DANCE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN A place to experience the great wonders in store for anyone who takes the time to teach and nurture young children in dance and theatre; or desires to become a part of such a great industry.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Dance...No Greener Venture!
We all need to strive to work on our carbon footprint and take care of our environment. Let's face it---teaching dance to young children is as green as it gets. It is people investing in young people. There are no 'unrecyclable' products we sell, or tons of paperwork and inventory. The inventory? Ourselves. The product? Our art, passion and love for little ones. We do not even have to take up real estate! Parents of young ones are becoming too time-starved to get their child to one more activity---they need teachers that come to where their child already spends their day. (Filling this need eliminates the need of owning a place of business---you work from home and are mobile!) Sharing a love and passion that you have with young children is the best recycling that anyone can do---don't you think?
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Invest in a Proven Program of Excellence
Time-starved parents are causing businesses that cater to children's services to boom.
Anyone considering starting up their own dance business should weigh all the great benefits of investing in a proven program of excellence that has been around for a long time. Start-up businesses from scratch have a 90% fail rate!
The pros of investing in a franchised business are vast. 1. You are purchasing a proven system of doing business. The franchisor has already checked it out in the marketplace and found that it works. 2. It will be turnkey. 3. National recognition by consumers. There is already a presence in the marketplace---the path has been blazed. 4. You have the support of management that will point you in all the right directions. 5. There are training programs and other forms of follow-up support to assist you in all phases of running the franchise operation.
The children's dance industry is booming right now and the demand is great. There are so many areas in the nation that have yet to be tapped---waiting for the right service to come their way. Contact Little People's Creative Workshop for more information about the benefits of the children's dance industry and to find out more about their franchise. LPCW has been around for 18 years---teaching dance to young children is their specialty. and
children's dance,
children's dance industry,
dance business,
dance franchise,
dance industry,
dance program for young children,
home based businesses,
Little People's Creative Workshop
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Forward Thinking......
So many people let the past hold them back--they need to move forward in order to find success. What is your current career situation? Is it in the unstable world of corporate America--where you never know if you will have a job when you wake up? Is it in the school systems---where positions in dance, theatre, and music are being cut right and left (or non-existent in the first place)? Don't get stuck in a rut feeling that you have no choices.
Do a life assessment, decide to be a conqueror, don't be a complainer, learn new habits, choose to help others, consider moving in a new direction. These short ideas are the beginning of a possible new life and career change for anyone that is ready to move on into a great opportunity! If your heart love children and you would like the control and freedom that comes from owning your own business---move toward making that happen. The most successful individuals are those that do what they love and love what they do. Today's the day!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Flexible Working Options for Moms......
Many women these days come to a point in their lives that they must make a choice. It doesn't involve heels vs. flats or whether to make a dinner at home or order takeout. It is the much more important choice of whether to go to work or raise a family.
Many women would rather not have to make that choice---family should always be priority; but with the economic situation as it is, many moms must work in order to help with the family's budget needs.
Our industry is such a blessing in this situation. By teaching dance classes to young children moms are able to work a few hours a day and make a wonderful living---while working mostly from their home, and being home in the afternoons, evenings, and weekends. Our dance teachers and administrators get to have both----a stay-at-home mom status as well as a paycheck and the flexibility of creating their own schedule around the needs of family.
So, for those of us choosing this option---we can say good-bye to long work hours and corporate demands---as well as the uncertainty of job security that is so prevalent in the corporate world today. We can fully embrace the joy of being there for our children and spouses while owning our business---one in which we love and have a passion.
children's dance industry,
dance business,
dance franchise,
dance teachers,
economy and dance,
fulfillment in dance,
home based businesses,
job fulfillment,
teaching dance,
why teach?
Monday, January 26, 2009
A Great Note from a Parent.....
"My son attends the Wed. afternoon dance class. The purpose of this E-mail is to probably tell you what you already know: your program has terrific teachers!
I happened to pass the classroom a time or two last semester (prior to my son's enrollment) and it looked like everyone was having fun and the instructor was full of life. I asked a parent of one of the students what they thought of the class and they said they loved it. So I signed my son up for the semester. I could not be happier with the class and your teacher's overall approach. She not only teaches them how to be creative with their dance moves, but also allows them the freedom to make the setting as comfortable as possible for them. My son is very apprehensive about new situations and new faces. At the beginning he took more of an observer status. Your instructor did not force him to participate in anything that he did not feel comfortable with; but by the same token she didn't forget that he was "participating" in his own way and would always be sure to call on him for his "turn" whether or not he actually waited in line. Each week he participates more and more in class in the traditional sense. He really loves dancing now and the interaction with the stories. And of course the instructor's bubbly personality and the exuberance helps keep everyone interested and dancing. I feel very fortunate that my son has been able to have such a positive experience with dance class and just wanted to let you know how much we love our teacher."
Dance is so very powerful for young ones---especially when instructed with the right heart!
benefits of dance for children,
dance educators,
dance teachers,
teaching dance,
why teach?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Giving Back to the Community....
As dance instructors and artists it is very important to give back to our community. We offer a service and completely rely on how community parents and students will respond to our classes for our livelihood. It's imperative to give back to our areas in which we do business. Teach complimentary classes at a shelter or any other facility in which young children will be. Women's shelters are wonderful --- it is such a blessing to these children that find themselves in the middle of so much uncertainly to have a creative outlet to express themselves, have fun, and EMOTE! When we go into schools we always approach the directors to see if there is a child that could benefit from our dance program; but whose parents are in no way able to pay for such a service. We discreetly give these children scholarships. Dance is for everyone---we do our best to make sure no one is left out that wishes to have this great experience. So often we hear of children's programs that think only of the bottom line and what is in it for them. There is no success in that.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Baby Ballerinas.....
Here is a wonderful article written for the National Dance Alliance:

Even in the Worst of Times--Children's Dance Grows!
Our nation is so focused on its children that, even in the worst of times, franchises and businesses serving children's needs continue to grow. "America will always have a soft spot for its offspring." states Entrepreneur Magazine in the January 2009 issue. Many times in hard economic seasons people think that there is no way they can do what they love as a career---BIG MISTAKE!! That is where many go wrong. It is IN what you love and have a heart for that will be your most successful career. There have been some wonderful articles in business magazines and trade magazines on this very fact. The most successful and fulfilled individuals are following their heart's desires and putting the talent and passion they possess to work. People are leaving their corporate and other jobs to take on the excitement of owning their own business doing what is near and dear to their heart. I am sure their are many dance instructors out there that are not investing their passion each day. What a shame. I hope that some of these entries over the past several days have offered inspiration and encouragement ---- that this is a wonderful, thriving industry that needs passionate educators, artists, and administrators. The need is out there---just the right people need to fill the positions!
children's dance,
children's dance industry,
dance business,
dance educators,
economy and dance,
fulfillment in dance,
why teach?
Monday, January 19, 2009
It's Easy Being Green.......
By being a dance instructor of young children and working from a home office we can so easily be green. The February issue of Home Business magazine states that "The benefits of a home-based business are substantial when you consider that energy costs are reduced by approximately 30% when working from home." Young children do not need a studio setting in order to dance; in fact, it quite often ends up being a huge distraction for them (Ages 3-5). Going to where the children already are is a much better way to reach them and their parents.
Start educating yourself and preparing for the emerging green growth opportunities that are out there. For dance instructors that are ready to have their own business, work from home, and be able to concentrate on what they truly love-----Little People's Creative Workshop is expanding their business through franchising. They are the nation's largest organization that teaches dance to young children and currently cover most of the east coast. They have been in existence for over 18 years and have a wonderful reputation for high quality and excellence. It is a home-based business with a low start-up cost. You can visit their sites for info:
If you love young children and the art of dance this is a wonderful opportunity. For more information on working from home, the February issue of Home Business has listed many great benefits of working from home---visit them at
Friday, January 16, 2009
Loving What You Do......
More and more people are realizing that job satisfaction and fulfillment are directly related to how successful a business is; as well as quality of life. I have yet to meet a dance instructor of young children that does not love what they do. It is a wonderful blessing to be able to be a part of an industry filled with individuals that are passionate about what they are doing and making such a big difference in lives. Now THAT'S a true win-win situation! It is certainly showing in the numbers, too. Being a dance instructor fits into all of the TOP categories of successful businesses to be a part of for 2009:
children's services
home-based businesses
low-cost start-up businesses
Green businesses
children's dance,
children's dance industry,
green business,
home based businesses,
job fulfillment
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Why Dance?
We ran across a great article written by April Sgro Riddle. In it she says:
"Of the three performing arts disciplines--dance, theatre, and music--dance is uniquely the most accessible to children and young people. This is especially true in multicultural communities in which language is sometimes a barrier to student participation in activities. Dance movement is basic to to being a human being-from expressing deeply felt emotions, to the physical expression of music, to just the joy of movement itself. Dance can reflect and validate social organization and preserve cultural values. As an art form it reflects humanity's quest for excellence and achievement."
Dance provides a wonderful opportunity to bring together many cultures in a loving and united classroom. Dance classes offered to young children in areas that include many cultures see a wonderful meshing and excitement about joining classes----excitement that is not seen with other activities offered to children.
benefits of dance for children,
children's dance,
dance educators,
dance program for young children
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Stats of Enrollment Increase in the Dance Industry

To the right is a graph detailing the amount of increase in enrollment the dance industry has experienced in the 08-09 season as to compared to the 06-07 season. They look great! The majority of dance businesses for young children have seen an increase this season over last. What a great blessing to be a part of an industry that allows you to do what you love and be profitable!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Great Ratings for the Dance Industry!
Just yesterday it was listed that educational enrichment services for children are in the TOP 5 most successful businesses to own! The study listed classes such as acting, dance, music, and art as in the top five franchises that people wish to own and that are the most successful and profitable. Great news for those of us in this industry---or for those that are thinking being a part of it.
Monday, January 12, 2009
New Year Business Stats.....
A quick look at the growth of the children's dance industry shows that enrollment in dance and theatre classes for young children has risen approximately 13% just in the first couple of weeks of 2009. What a great sign! Usually growth continues throughout the month of January, and will spurt again in the spring.
children's dance,
children's dance industry,
dance program for young children,
economy and dance
Friday, January 9, 2009
Nurturing Tots to Teens......
It is important for dance and theatre arts teachers to know their abilities and be willing to admit them. Very few teachers can teach the two extreme age groups: tots and teens. There are a few, but not many. The strong programs out there that keep success solid and students and families returning each year have teachers that teach within their abilities. Teaching little ones is not just babysitting. A good early childhood dance instructor knows how to blend a genuine love for children with the ability to keep order and structure in the classroom; and at the same time nurturing students' engagement and enthusiasm. They must also know how to communicate and deal with parents in a very professional way.
There are many challenges to teaching young children in the arts; but the rewards are more than worth it. If you are a teacher in this industry---make sure that you know your abilities and are teaching within them. Parents and students quickly pick up on teachers that are outside their sweetspots! The programs that are strong and successful have well-trained instructors that excel in the ages that they teach.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Dealing with stress......
It can be stressful at times constantly pouring yourself out into others---and exhausting working with little ones! Here's a quick checklist from Suzanne Martin, PT, DPT to help with stressful times---and possibly to avoid them:
To Avoid Stress:
Get up earlier
Organize your calendar
Arrive early for appointments
Anticipate others' time management issues
To Reduce Stress:
Go with the flow
Practice assertive conversation closers
Take warm baths with Epsom salts
Ask yourself: "How important is it?" when things come up
To Relieve Stress:
Get worries and frustrations off your chest
Exercise (something other than dance!!)
View the entire forest. Take off the blinders; you know what you are doing
Suzanne states that it is much healthier to learn to strategize to cope with stress than spend so much energy trying to get rid of it. Here's to a less stressful 2009!
children's dance industry,
dance educators,
Dance Teacher Profile.....
Dance teachers of young children really have to be multi-faceted. They must be able to communicate effectively with adults and handle their concerns and questions; and then step into the classroom and be able to be a pumpkin in a patch with the students! He or she must be energetic, enthusiastic, and extremely passionate about their art----if not, the energy of the class and excitement will not be present and little ones will soon lose interest. Dance teachers need to be very animated with little ones. Young children are experts at picking up on a teacher that does not really want to spend time with them.
Any program that offers dance or theatre arts classes to young children is only as good as its instructors and program design. The teachers that are sent out to teach a program have to be phenomenal! The programs who train their teachers well and only choose the best are the programs that are seeing great success in this volatile economy that we are experiencing. Parents and students alike quickly pick up on the programs that are fluff. Now, more than ever, parents are making sure that whatever they choose to spend money on is well worth it in every way. We are seeing the mediocre programs quickly fall to the wayside----a great sifting, if you will, in the industry. The silver lining to this is that the children's programs that stand for excellence and are time-tested have a clear path to take over when this happens. (And that is what we are seeing presently.) In children's dance programs the strong, quality programs are gaining great momentum and strides! Great news for us who love what we do and do not compromise our standards in passing our love of dance and theatre to the next generation.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
The Privilege of Being a Part.......
Over the many years of being a part of a wonderful children's dance program our whole group has had the privilege of witnessing such great things. There was once a young boy, age 4, who had been living in a horrible situation most of his life. He had been severely abused in many ways and had not spoken or uttered a sound in 2 years. His foster mother felt that he would benefit from being a part of our dance classes and signed him up immediately. It took many months of him just quietly observing--probably learning whether it was safe and loving environment or not--BUT, after 3 months of only observing he asked a question about what we were doing! It was the first time this young boy had spoken (or even uttered a sound) in over 2 years! He began participating and loved the creative way in which he could express himself through movement and being different characters. It has been the many times of experiencing these types of special moments that confirms how fulfilling it is to invest in the lives of children, teach them to think creatively, and challenge them---even at this young age of 3-5 years! They are amazing and have such potential! So, the fact that our industry is thriving and successful we believe directly reflects our attitude, that what we do is not all about money; but changing the world one child at a time.
Monday, January 5, 2009
LPCW Fills the Gap in the Dance Industry
Early exposure to dance and theatre can have lasting benefits, including acquiring social and physical skills that will help children throughout their lives. Yet, in the past two disturbing trends in dance classes for young children have been noticed: either the little ones were being taught strict ballet, which was beyond their physical capabilities; or the classes were treated as playtime.
A meaningful program for young children was established in 1991, Little People's Creative Workshop. LPCW classes are age-appropriate and taught by trained professionals. Many have attended the International Teacher's Conference held by LPCW over the years--and it has caused their businesses and teaching to grow by leaps and bounds.
LPCW is now the largest organization teaching dance to young children in the U.S. They have begun to augment their steady nationwide growth with expansion and will be offering franchises in the near future. LPCW is a turnkey program providing everything someone would need to establish and grow a home-based business with multiple growth avenues. It is a great opportunity for anyone that loves young children and dance---but wants to be sure they are offering a high-quality, age-specific program of excellence. Something to look into!
children's dance,
dance franchise,
dance program for young children,
Little People's Creative Workshop
Friday, January 2, 2009
Kids Take Center Stage......
Today's parents desire to provide every possible advantage to their children. Not surprisingly, established programs across the nation, such as Little People's Creative Workshop, that focus on children's enrichment in dance and drama, are experiencing dramatic growth according to Entrepreneur Magazine, August 2007.
American families are spending approximately $115.6 billion yearly on their children, presenting powerful market opportunity for those that have a desire to invest in children's lives and enjoy what they do! And there is no shortage of customers in sight----more than 73 million children under the age of 18 live in America, and their ranks are growing yearly! <"How to Start a Kid-Focused Business", August 2008, Entrepreneur Magazine>
For those of us that love children and the arts this is very encouraging news! We can combine our love and passion for dance and theatre while making a wonderful, fulfilling living. There are not too many individuals that can say that.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Creativity is Key
Young students need to have an outlet for creative expression; it provides a feeling of accomplishment that helps them in other areas of their lives. The arts can serve as a tremendous asset towards helping children develop critical thinking and decision-making skills. Listed among many benefits of dance are confidence strengthening and character building. What's more, the cultivation of creativity is a major component of any successful program and strategy designed to produce positive outcomes for little ones. There are so many programs out there that only use their classes for young ones as a playtime. Savvy parents clue into this and are very unsatisfied; as well as the students gain absolutely nothing from participating in the class. Young students are capable of so much more than most educators give them credit. Preschoolers love learning age-specific dance technique and being given challenges that stretch their skills.
children's dance,
dance educators,
teaching dance
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