Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Schools Desiring Dance & Theatre Programs...

Many schools - public and private - lack the funding the have a dance or theatre program.  They are very welcoming to well-known programs offering to contract their services out to them.  This saves the schools money (much cheaper than hiring staff and buying curriculum and materials); and it is a wonderful opportunity for programs of reputation to increase their student base and programs.  Little People's Creative Workshop is well-known for contracting with schools to teach their dance and acting programs.  A great expansion opportunity---especially now, as school budgets and staff positions are being cut.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Best Time to Start A New Business.....

USA Today ran a great article today about the worst of times is the BEST time to start a business. During economic hardship everyone seems to sit around and do nothing---which means NO COMPETITION!  USA Today interviewed several top business owners that started their businesses in hard economic times---and it actually helped them rise to the top and STAY there once the economy turned around.  It's a great article---check it out:

Monday, February 23, 2009

Children's Service Industry Continues to Grow Even in Hard Times

Franchise Gator --- a leading franchise authority and web portal --- states that children's services, especially in the arts category, continue to grow and be the most requested and popular of business buyers.  The children's dance and service industry consistently seem to slip away from the woes felt by many other businesses in hard times.  Starting a children's dance franchise, such as Little People's Creative Workshop, is a super low cost start-up and a proven business system.  Many individuals that desire to own their own business are wise enough to seek out and invest in such franchises when looking to own their own business.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Seeing A Child's Creative Mind

As a dancer and performer since the age of three, I cannot think of a better way for young children to explore movement, enhance creativity and build self-confidence than through dance classes. I have taught many age groups and with many companies, but Little People’s Creative Workshop provides a completely rewarding experience. 
Dance and LPCW, is more than just another form of exercise for the children, it provides an exploration into the arts that all children should be exposed to.  Through LPCW, children are able to learn how to use their bodies as a form of expression and a possible outlet for creative thinking. Learning this at an early age can provide life long benefits for our students; such as better problem solving skills, more self confidence and of-course better coordination.
Personally, there are few things more rewarding than being able to see a child’s creative mind grow and see them move and explore on their own.  I enjoy seeing children approach the lessons in a completely different way than I expected them to and everyday is a surprise! I have grown as a dancer with LPCW because it caused me to look at movement from a child like perspective; giving me a new approach to dance.
I look forward to continue to share my love for dance with young children through Little People’s Creative Workshop.
~Jennifer Delfin, LPCW Northern Virginia Regional Director & Instructor

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Invest in Yourself.......

With many stock investments pretty shaky these days--invest in something that will always bring a great return:  yourself!  If you have always wanted to start your own business and be your own boss--now is the perfect time.  Do some research and invest in a grand future for you and your present or future family.  What are you waiting for?  The market is ripe for more programs for young children in dance and theatre.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Requests Constantly Coming in for Children's Dance Programs

There are so many hungry regions and areas of the US that greatly desire a strong, excellent young children's dance and theatre program.  Parents see the benefits and desire to have the opportunity for their children.  Here in the US there are many untapped territories and regions that are ready to consume such a program and flood it with students.  We are continually receiving calls and e-mails from parents and organizations desiring a good program to be offered in their communities.  It's a wonderful time for this industry to grow and take advantage of the need.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Physical Therapists Recommend Dance for Young Children

We have been in the business of teaching dance to ages 2-5 for over 18 years.  We are constantly getting students referred to our program from area physical therapists.  We receive countless notes from these professionals stating the great progress and difference that they  see in their young clients once they begin participating in our program.  We have seen 4 year-olds told that they would never be able to jump---but after a few months their feet are leaving the floor!  It is a privilege to be a part of something that is so rewarding; and so extremely beneficial to all who take part.  Dance is a wonderful and healthy activity for all who participate.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Teachers Need to Also Be Students

As dance teachers of little ones it can become easy to lose focus of the need to also be a student.  We need to be a student of life---and definitely remain a dance student ourselves.  It is important to nourish our own souls and dance passion with classes and performances that keep our enthusiasm and art polished, and enabling us to pass on new inspiration to our young students.

A soul left unnourished will soon wither.  If you are an instructor of young ones be sure to invest in yourself so you can keep investing in your students.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's a Great Time to Think About Starting a Business....

Contrary to what it may seem---while a recession is going on it is a great time to work toward opening a new business.  When the recession passes you will be in working order and ready to enjoy the windfall that always follows such times.  There are many individuals that think they should not start a business until a recession is over; but then when the great windfall happens they are just beginning to get things together and do not get to enjoy it!  Be shrewd and wise by starting  a new business now---and you will already be open and working when the big times come around!  "Don't be so preoccupied with losing your frisbee that you never throw it!" (Or are caught unaware when someone is ready to catch!)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Dance Business in a Recession...

No one can deny the state of our present economy here in the US.  BUT dance is dance---no matter what the economy.  It is a personal expression and creative outlet for all who choose to participate.  We do not have any exports or imports.  We do not have to worry about inventory or suppliers going under.  The economy does not effect the dance industry as it does other industries.

Dance classes for young children are a relatively low cost activity in which families can invest.   A huge part of this business is looking upon the past and being able to see that dance has come through many other hard economies---always at the top.  Families will always put services for their children--especially the arts--as a priority in their budget.  

Reminding ourselves of these facts amid all the negative media these days is very encouraging---because for the most part it does not pertain to what we do.  Quite often bad economies have made the arts grow stronger in the public eye.  These are the things that we must remind ourselves.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Trends and Facts About Owning A Children's Dance Business

The market for providing children's services and products is huge.  The Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics estimates that there are more than 73 million children under the age of 18 in the US.  Birth rates are up, and it is expected that children will number over 80 million by 2020---and make up 24% of the population.

Spending on children is also rising--with both parents and grandparents driving this trend.  This is great news for those that want to own their own business that caters to children!  Children exert a profound influence on household spending, with an estimated $500 billion spent on services for children.  American Demographics magazine reports that 4-12 year olds account for $40 billion in spending every year.

One of the most successful and popular with parents children's service is dance and theatre classes--preferably ones that come to their children instead of stationary facilities that parents must find the time to drop off and pick up their children.

There are many opportunities for individuals from varied backgrounds to be able to run their own business teaching children's dance.  In our industry we have former school teachers, athletes, event planners, IT professionals, marketers, corporate executives, etc.   Individuals that have experience as dancers/teachers and working in some capacity with children in their past; but had no idea that they could own a business doing something that they love.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Obvious Benefits of Dance

We wanted to share this great article written by Sarah Wilkiamson:

"The Obvious Benefits of Dance School"

Here is an excerpt-----

"There are many benefits to your child when they attend dance school.  It not only enables them to realize creativity within them but gives them training for other areas in life.  Dance is a wonderful creative art that can enrich your child's life for many years to come."

Ms. Wilkiamson goes on to list several benefits such as:

Learning the art of creativity
Dance is a good exercise
Dance leads to learning respect
Dance helps develop social skills
Dance helps with bonding

Be sure to click the link above to read the entire article.  All of us in the childrens dance industry see the many benefits before our eyes each day---it is a pleasure to invest in young lives with what we do!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Benefits of Children's Dance Classes.......

Children--boys and girls--who dance when they are young enjoy increased self-esteem, coordination, balance, poise, and many more wonderful benefits!  Whether a child continues to dance or becomes a professional dancer is not the goal---the many benefits of participating in dance are causing parents to seek dance programs of excellence in which to invest.  Read this great article that we found on the benefits children that dance enjoy:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Giving Back to the Community

Since we know the great benefits of dance and theatre for young children it is important that we use our gifts and talents to give back to our communities in which we teach.  Our company is always on the lookout for organizations that work with young children that are at-risk or in no way able to register and pay for dance classes.  We do not want anyone to be left out---the arts are for everyone.  We teach complimentary classes at shelters, boys and girls clubs, low income daycares, homeless shelters, and many other venues where little ones happen to be.  Women's shelters are a wonderful place to bring dance---the moms enjoy it as much as their children; they usually join in on the fun!  Our communities do so much for us---this is a great way to give back and bless many families at the same time.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Joy of Teaching Dance to Young Children........

"My love for dance started at a very early age.  I was excited every Saturday morning to get up, put on my leotard and get to dance class!  What made it such a wonderful experience for me were my amazing dance teachers.  As I grew older I used them as my role models and saw not only how much passion they had for dance, but for teaching as well.

I always thought I would end up teaching high school or older students in a studio, but once I started working with Little People's Creative Workshop I knew those thoughts were gone!  Ask anyone you know how they get greeted when they come to work.  I bet they don't say by twenty smiling and excited faces screaming your name--and these aren't even the children you teach!

Teaching "little people" brings out the best in a teacher, not only because they make you smile and greet you with hugs so powerful they almost knock you over; but because they are so eager to learn.  LPCW has an amazing curriculum that allows children to explore dance through themselves but yet in a very structured and fun atmosphere!

LPCW is so great for children because it allows them to go off into imaginary secret places while learning how to move their bodies properly throughout space.  At this young age children absorb everything and what makes LPCW so great is that we are able to offer the classes while the children are in school; so they are able to relate things that they are learning to dance and to the arts which most children do not have the opportunity to do!"
                           ~Liz Story, LPCW Regional Director and Instructor