Monday, February 2, 2009

The Joy of Teaching Dance to Young Children........

"My love for dance started at a very early age.  I was excited every Saturday morning to get up, put on my leotard and get to dance class!  What made it such a wonderful experience for me were my amazing dance teachers.  As I grew older I used them as my role models and saw not only how much passion they had for dance, but for teaching as well.

I always thought I would end up teaching high school or older students in a studio, but once I started working with Little People's Creative Workshop I knew those thoughts were gone!  Ask anyone you know how they get greeted when they come to work.  I bet they don't say by twenty smiling and excited faces screaming your name--and these aren't even the children you teach!

Teaching "little people" brings out the best in a teacher, not only because they make you smile and greet you with hugs so powerful they almost knock you over; but because they are so eager to learn.  LPCW has an amazing curriculum that allows children to explore dance through themselves but yet in a very structured and fun atmosphere!

LPCW is so great for children because it allows them to go off into imaginary secret places while learning how to move their bodies properly throughout space.  At this young age children absorb everything and what makes LPCW so great is that we are able to offer the classes while the children are in school; so they are able to relate things that they are learning to dance and to the arts which most children do not have the opportunity to do!"
                           ~Liz Story, LPCW Regional Director and Instructor

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