Monday, March 2, 2009

Encouraging Words for Monday......

We all hear of the constant budget cuts and layoffs these days.  It is important to not get bogged down with all the negative---successful individuals choose to see the positive in the negative.  For our industry we see that dance and theatre classes are being cut out in public school systems because there are not the funds to hire the staff to teach these classes.  That is a shame for our young children.  BUT, it opens an avenue for independent business owners to offer their services to these schools and organizations.  We can independently contract with school systems to offer these much-needed classes at a much lower fee than the added staff member would generate.  School become excited that they can still offer these classes to their students and individual businesses grow due to the demand and increased business.  (Quite often causing businesses such as ours to have to hire additional staff to cover the classes that we are having to add to our schedule.)  Choose to see the opportunity that always exists in bad times or bad news.

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