Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Flexible Working Options for Moms......

Many women these days come to a point in their lives that they must make a choice.  It doesn't involve heels vs. flats or whether to make a dinner at home or order takeout.  It is the much more important choice of whether to go to work or raise a family.

Many women would rather not have to make that choice---family should always be priority; but with the economic situation as it is, many moms must work in order to help with the family's budget needs.  

Our industry is such a blessing in this situation.  By teaching dance classes to young children moms are able to work a few hours a day and make a wonderful living---while working mostly from their home, and being home in the afternoons, evenings, and weekends.   Our dance teachers and administrators get to have both----a stay-at-home mom status as well as a paycheck and the flexibility of creating their own schedule around the needs of family.  

So, for those of us choosing this option---we can say good-bye to long work hours and corporate demands---as well as the uncertainty of job security that is so prevalent in the corporate world today.  We can fully embrace the joy of being there for our children and spouses while owning our business---one in which we love and have a passion.

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