Thursday, January 22, 2009

Giving Back to the Community....

As dance instructors and artists it is very important to give back to our community.  We offer a service and completely rely on how community parents and students will respond to our classes for our livelihood.  It's imperative to give back to our areas in which we do business.  Teach complimentary classes at a shelter or any other facility in which young children will be.  Women's shelters are wonderful ---  it is such a blessing to these children that find themselves in the middle of so much uncertainly to have a creative outlet to express themselves, have fun, and EMOTE!  When we go into schools we always approach the directors to see if there is a child that could benefit from our dance program; but whose parents are in no way able to pay for such a service.  We discreetly give these children scholarships.  Dance is for everyone---we do our best to make sure no one is left out that wishes to have this great experience.  So often we hear of children's programs that think only of the bottom line and what is in it for them.  There is no success in that.  

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