Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Forward Thinking......

So many people let the past hold them back--they need to move forward in order to find success.  What is your current career situation?  Is it in the unstable world of corporate America--where you never know if you will have a job when you wake up?  Is it in the school systems---where positions in dance, theatre, and music are being cut right and left (or non-existent in the first place)?  Don't get stuck in a rut feeling that you have no choices.

Do a life assessment, decide to be a conqueror, don't be a complainer, learn new habits, choose to help others, consider moving in a new direction.  These short ideas are the beginning of a possible new life and career change for anyone that is ready to move on into a great opportunity!  If your heart love children and you would like the control and freedom that comes from owning your own business---move toward making that happen.  The most successful individuals are those that do what they love and love what they do.  Today's the day!

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