Monday, July 13, 2009

Take A Look at Your Materials

It has been a wonderful summer for children's dance and theatre! It has been a couple of months since we posted to our blog---so sorry for the delay. We have been very busy with our program here and have experienced quite a bit of growth in many of our markets this summer.

If you teach a young children's dance program now is a great time to take a look at your materials. Are they updated? Are they good quality? Are they too wordy? Parents these days want information in sound bites. There are so many great resources for good marketing materials---there is really not a good excuse to not keep your program marketing materials up-to-date and eye catching. Now is the time to get that together so you are ready for the upcoming fall registration season; which begins in just 3 short weeks!

Parents are searching for good, quality, time-proven programs for their children---and they are willing to pay for it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

We Must All Work...

"Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe--a moment that never was before or never will be again. And what do we teach our children in school? We teach them that 2 and 2 are four and that Paris is the capital of France. When will we also teach them what they are?

We should say to each of them: 'Do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the world there is no other child exactly like you. In the millions of years that have passed, there has never been a child like you. And look at your body---what a wonder it is! Your legs, your arms, your cunning fingers, the way you move!

You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. You have the capacity for anything. Yes, you are a marvel. And when you grow up, can you then harm another who is, like you, a marvel? You must cherish one another.'

We must all work---to make this world worthy of its children."
- Pablo Casals

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Special Story Featured in Lehigh Valley, PA

During a special class a reporter from the Lehigh Valley Times did a story on Little People's Creative Workshop. Check it out.

Dance workshop
Added by Bill Adams on April 22, 2009 at 11:51 AM
Teacher Liz Story shows children how to stretch their legs and shake their feet Tuesday at the Little Peoples’ Dance Workshop at the Family YMCA Early Childhood Development Center in Forks Township. Express-Times Photo | BILL ADAMS
This photo is part of the Day in Photos April 22, 2009 gallery

Monday, March 30, 2009

Little People's Creative Workshop Franchises Allow Children to Express Themselves

Press Release

Greenville, NC Kids need to have creative expression; it provides a feeling of accomplishment that helps them in other areas of their lives.[1] The arts can serve as a tremendous asset towards helping children develop critical thinking and decision-making skills.[2] Listed among the many benefits of dance are confidence strengthening and character building.[3] What’s more, the cultivation of creativity is a major component of programs and strategies designed to produce positive outcomes for youth.[4]

The Little People’s Creative Workshop concept fits hand in glove with today’s parents’ desire to provide every possible advantage to their children. [5] Not surprisingly, franchises that focus on children’s enrichment, in areas such as art and drama, are experiencing dramatic growth.[6]
American families are spending approximately $115.6 billion yearly on their children, presenting a powerful market opportunity.[7] And there’s no shortage of customers in sight – more than 73 million children under the age of 18 live in America, and their ranks are growing yearly.[8]

Early exposure to dance and theatre can have lasting benefits, including acquiring social and physical skills that will help children throughout their lives. Yet, dance professional Daune Pitman noticed two disturbing trends in dance classes for young children: either the little ones were being taught strict ballet, which was beyond their physical capabilities, or the classes were treated as playtime.
Seeking to establish a meaningful program, Daune developed Little People’s Creative Workshop (LPCW). LPCW classes are age-appropriate and taught by trained professionals. They are largely held in daycare centers and preschools, which puts them within reach of children who may not otherwise be able to take them.
Established in 1991, Little People’s Creative Workshop is now the largest organization teaching dance to children in the U.S. They are augmenting their steady growth with expansion, via franchising.
Little People’s Creative Workshop provides full franchise support services, such as complete training, a comprehensive operations manual, ongoing program oversight, and marketing expertise. Interested parties should contact them at or call toll-free 1-866-977-LPCW.

[1] Stuart, Elizabeth. “Children find creative outlet at Provo celebration.” Deseret News. 8 Jun 2008. Accessed 18 Aug 2008
[2] Kristal, Nicole. “Those Who Can Do, Teach (Acting).” The Actor’s Resource Backstage. 16 Jun 2006. Accessed 19 Aug 2008
[3] Miller, Corina. “Woman’s life spent inspiring…” The Dallas Morning News. 16 Sept 2006. Accessed 19 Aug 2008
[4] Brockman, Michael S. and Russell, Stephen T. “Creativity.” Accessed 18 Aug 2008
[5] Wilson, Sara. “Coming of Age.” Entrepreneur. Aug 2007. Accessed 20 Aug 2008
[6] Ibid.
[7] Ibid.
[8] “How to Start a Kid-Focused Business.” Accessed 19 Aug 2008

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Are You Ready to Ride the Wave?

There have been many articles lately by top business authorities acknowledging how wise it is to start a business now while all the economic turmoil spins about.  Looking through history these are the times that the most prosperous and successful businesses begin.  So many people wait until "things appear optimum" and "good times" arrive----this is quite often a mistake.  The businesses that begin in not so optimum economic times are the ones that are fully prepared and ready for the WINDFALL of business that always follows a recession/economic decline.

Children's services are doing very well, despite the economic climate.  Parents will choose to cut out many other things from the budget before cutting out a special enrichment activity for their children.  When the economy begins to rebound---these types of classes experience a complete FLOOD of new students and business.

Don't hesitate to follow your dream based on all the negative media that we are constantly bombarded with daily.  We encourage you to move forward and take action---so you can be ready in the near future when demand will be amazing for children's activities.

Just as we saw in the 30's---people always turn to art/entertainment to soothe themselves in hard times----they want to do the same for their children.  

If more of our leaders had been trained and had experience in the arts---they would be much more creative thinkers out there making better decisions!  :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

School Teachers See the Benefits of Dance in Students

A few comments from school teachers about the benefits of dance for children:

  • “Dance for children is much needed -- along with physical education, because it explores their potential in movement ... on any size, shape, or color of body.”
  • “I get a lot of feedback from classroom teachers who say, ‘I can tell these children have been with you and had dance because they are more assertive — not aggressive, but more assertive in their thinking and being able to share their thoughts.’”
  • Dance is a good experience for children who have a hard time sitting down. Once they come to dance and burn off some of that energy, they can focus on more sequential, factual information.”
  • Boys do like to dance. I start them off using the word ‘movement.’ Some boys are beautiful at movement. They get to explore that. Girls widen their perspective. They see that it is not just one style — dance is about what you think, what you feel, what you see.”

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Owning Your Own Business?????? Has It Been In the Back of Your Mind?

Whether you have always dreamed of being a business owner---or have never thought of it before; now is a great time.  Corporate American has burned out so many people and professionals are seeing the benefit of having control of their career and income.  There is no better investment that owning your own business---it is a great way to express your creativity and strengths, enjoy what you do, and not worry whether you will have a job tomorrow or not.  If you are someone that loves young children and desires to invest in their lives---it is a wonderful time to explore the opportunity of doing what you love as a career.

If you work with young children---we would love to hear from you!  Share your great stories with us and what you have learned by working with little ones in dance.  Quite often they teach us more than we teach them! :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Dance Teachers and Director Needed....

We have come across a need for a preschool dance instructor in the Philadelphia suburban area; as well as western NJ area with Little People's Creative Workshop.  If you (or anyone you know) is interested---be sure to send your resume and cover letter to:  It is a great opportunity for anyone that loves dance and young children.  Don't miss out!  Pass the word.

Little People's Creative Workshop is also looking for an individual to fill a Regional Director position in the Raleigh, NC area.  Resumes need to be submitted by April 15th to:  This position oversees the program and instructs classes.  Great opportunity!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Parents Not Giving Up on the Arts, Even in Bad Times

Numerous polls have shown that parents are not giving up and cutting out the arts in the family budget when it comes to their children.  Most parents see and experience the benefits that dance, theatre, and music provide in their child's life.  In our own program we have seen a great jump in enrollment this early spring; and continue to receive inquiries of new families that want to get their young ones involved in dance.  One positive of hard economic times is that we get to really see what is important to people---and it is obvious that arts enrichment stands out above the others!  Bravo!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Inspirational Quotes

Everyone needs inspiration!  Here's a small collection of some great quotes:
Art does not consist of making a living or producing an objet d'art or in self-therapy, but in finding a new soul. ~Henry Miller
You have to care so much that you can't sleep, you can't eat, you can't talk to people...You can't do it without passion. ~Agnes de Mille
It is our duty as men and women to proceed as though limits to our ability do not exist. ~Teilhard de Chardin
Seize this very minute; What you can do, or dream you can, begin it; Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
There are not days in life so memorable as those which vibrated to some stroke of the imagination. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
There is a vitality, a life-force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action. And because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open...whether you choose to take an art class, keep a journal, record your dreams, dance your story, or live each day from your own creative source, above all else, keep the channel open! ~Martha Graham
Odd how the creative power at once brings the whole universe to order. ~Virginia Woolf
Take your work seriously, but never yourself. ~Dame Margot Fonteyn
The devil himself always seems to get into my inkstand, and I can only exorcise him by pensful at a time. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne
My favorite thing is to go where I've never been. ~Diane Arbus
Inspiration will always sing; inspiration will never explain. ~Kahlil Gibran
There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~Anais Nin
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery
To follow without halt, one aim; there is the secret of success. And success? What is it? I do not find it in the applause of the theater. It lies rather in the satisfaction of accomplishmen~Anna Pavlova
Art is the only thing you cannot punch a button for. You must do it the old-fashioned way. Stay up and really burn the midnight oil. There are no compromises. ~Leontyne Price
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do. ~Eleanor Roosevelt
I have never enjoyment equal to sitting at my writing-desk with a clean page, a new theme, and a mind awake. ~Washington Irving
Not I, not I, but the wind that blows through me! ~D.H. Lawrence
Creative minds have always been known to survive any kind of bad training. ~Anna Freud
Go out on a limb -- that's where the fruit is. ~Will Rogers

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Benefits of Dance in the Early Years.....

Physical Development 

Moving safely, imaginatively and with confidence 
Moving with bodily control, co-ordination, flexibility and balance 
The development of spatial awareness 
Dancing with props; developing manipulative skills 
Experiencing a range of gross motor movements and fine motor movements 
Keeping healthy - dance as part of a healthy lifestyle 

Creative Development 

Communicating ideas, thoughts and feelings non-verbally through movement 
Using the imagination to create ideas, characters and narratives 
Making movement responses 
Having an enjoyable, exciting and motivating time 
Working individually, with a partner and as part of a group 
Developing trust and co-operation 
Selecting and using movement ideas independently and with others 
Exploring feelings and views of self and others - including other cultures and beliefs 
Accepting the moral code on which discipline and courtesy within the group is based 
Interacting with a new social group 

Communication, Language and Literacy Development 

The use of sounds, music, words, poems, rhymes, texts and stories as stimuli for, and 
   accompaniment to dance 
The use of language to imagine and recreate roles and ideas in the dance 
Interaction - negotiating plans and activities and developing conversational skills 
Appreciation - talking about personal dance performance 
Observation - talking about the dance performance of others 
Developing a vocabulary of movement 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dance for Children Being Used in Many Powerful Ways...

Dance for children is now being used as a method of treating social, emotional, cognitive, and physical problems. Throughout the ages, people of many cultures have used dance to express powerful emotions, tell stories, treat illness, celebrate important events, and maintain communal bonds. Dancing harnesses this power of movement in a comfortable setting and uses it to promote personal growth, health, and well-being.
Quality dance programs for children are based on the premise that the body and mind are interrelated. Many dance therapists believe that mental and emotional problems are often held in the body in the form of muscle tension and constrained movement patterns. Conversely, studies have shown that the state of the body can affect attitude and feelings, both positively and negatively.
Dance movements promote healing in a number of ways. Moving as a group brings children of all ages out of isolation, creates powerful social and emotional bonds, and generates the good feelings that come from being with others. Moving rhythmically eases muscular rigidity, diminishes anxiety, and increases energy. Moving spontaneously helps children learn to recognize and trust their impulses, and to act on or contain them as they choose. Moving creatively encourages self-expression and opens up new ways of thinking and doing.
On a purely physical level, dance provides the benefits of exercise: improved health, well-being, coordination, and muscle tone. On an emotional level, it helps children feel more joyful and confident, and allows them to explore such issues as anger, frustration, and loss that may be too difficult to explore verbally. On a mental level, dance seeks to enhance cognitive learning.
Dance has a broad range of health benefits. It has been demonstrated to be clinically effective at improving body image, self-esteem, attentiveness, and communication skills. It can also reduce stress, fears and anxieties, as well as lessen feelings of isolation, body tension, chronic pain, and depression. In addition it can enhance the functioning of the body's circulatory and respiratory systems.
Dance has also been shown to benefit adolescent and adult psychiatric patients, the learning disabled, the visually and hearing impaired, the mentally handicapped.
This info was taken from the EduDance Site:  

Monday, March 9, 2009

Child Development and Dance.....

Children naturally communicate through movement.  They express their fears, excitement, and all other emotions with movement.  Dance for young children focuses on the following:

*  developing creativity
*  expressing emotion
*  building social skills
*  encouraging independence
*  building their self-confidence
*  stimulating mental processes
*  enhancing their physical development
*  expanding their rhythmic and body awareness

These young years are so important---and the very time to encourage these traits.  These are building blocks for the rest of their life, that will be used and needed in every arena.  

Friday, March 6, 2009

More About the Benefits of Dance for Young Children

Benefits of Dance, by Rachel Kemp

Toddlers love to move, stretch and jump. Teachers can introduce kids to new ways of moving their little bodies in entertaining and constructive ways. All forms of dance, and creative movement can be very beneficial. Kids should be introduced to exercise and physical exercise as early as possible. It might take a little more money, but in the long run it can pay off. Introducing your child to dance is one of the greatest gifts you can give them.
Dance promotes discipline, coordination, memory, flexibility, strength, line, grace and stamina. Performing builds positive self-esteem and confidence, helps with other sports, and is just great fun! All kids are capable of relating and understanding basic techniques that are shown to them and demonstrated properly.
The vocabulary they learn through dance can help them express themselves through movement and naturally incorporate it into their lives. Signing your child up in dance as soon as possible can be a great thing for him/her.
As long as children can listen and stay focused, no age is too young to get them started. Of course, forcing children into any activity is never healthy. It’s important to observe how they respond.
As children get older and more serious, the length of the class and the amount of class per week may increase. Again, it might mean more running around for you, but if your child is fortunate enough to find something he or she loves to do, it’s well worth the extra time and money. My parents ran around for me 4-5 times a week to participate in many classes, I don't know how they did it, but I’m so grateful, because I am now blessed to be making a living doing what I love.
Here you will find a teacher who inspires and has a true love and passion for what he or she teaches.
Remember the 4 D’s: DISCIPLINE, DETERMINATION, DEDICATION, DESIRE. Dance class can help your child conquer all four.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Needs of Little Ones.....

We have witnessed so very many dance classes over the many years of being in this industry.  You have the uninterested dance teachers that just want to 'get class over with'--and not the least bit interested in young children; treating their classes like some kind of sentence.  Then, you have the ones that think teaching 'Where is Thumpkin' and the 'Hokey Pokey' can actually count for dance instruction---they love the kids; but are teaching them zilch.  Then, there is the rigid, hard-core teacher that wants preschoolers to have perfect technique and stand at attention.  Then there is the misguided dance education majors that have been taught that preschoolers should be just fine and do nothing but walking and pausing for thirty minutes.  What a waste!

Young ones are capable and deserve so much more than this!  They crave eye contact, variety, challenges that are age appropriate, and passion for creativity!  Let's not waste this wonderful opportunity we have been given---to work with little ones.  We have a chance to make an investment for life!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Polls Show Dance Class Enrollment Holds Steady With Young Children

Several polls that have been conducted throughout the nation and on the internet show that parents are not cutting back when it comes to dance classes for their children.  They are finding other ways to cut back on their monthly budget.  Parents of older children that take 4-5 days per week are cutting back on the number of classes taken per week---but not cutting it out completely.

Dance for young children is a relatively inexpensive activity for parents to invest in---the very kind that in these tight times parents desire.  Young children only take one class per week and the average monthly tuition hovers around $45 per month.  That is an expense that most families can add to their budget without sacrificing much at all.  

While large studios that teach all ages and have huge overhead are feeling the negative side of this economy---mobile dance programs that concentrate on young children are not being effected.  Their overhead is extremely low and the cost of the classes is within reach of American families.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mind and Body Benefits of Dance for Children

Dance provides youth with mind and body benefits 
By Debra Strickland 
FamilyTalk Magazine, March/April Edition 2006 
Many different types of dance classes are available for children, from modern dance, 
ballet, tap and jazz to dance that celebrates unique ethnic and cultural traditions.  What’s 
the most important thing for parents to keep in mind when choosing a dance class?  It’s 
that research has proven that dance provides physical, developmental and artistic benefits 

Physical Benefits - Students build muscle strength while increasing flexibility.  Young 
dancers develop a sense of balance and improve agility and coordination.  Importantly, 
children also develop body awareness and learn correct posture. 

These benefits extend beyond a student’s involvement with dance, helping youth involved 
in other disciplines, such as sports and martial arts.  Studies have shown that physical 
activity helps children relieve stress and feel relaxed.  It also is a great way to help your 
child develop a positive lifelong attitude about staying active and healthy. 

Developmental Benefits - Dance classes are fun and a great way to meet new friends.  
Young dancers develop essential social skills through interaction with other students.  
Group choreography fosters teamwork, communication, trust and cooperation.  Dance 
also has been proven to nurture important life skills, such as discipline and focus.  
Dancers naturally display confidence, self-esteem and poise.  These skills are developed 
through participating in dance performances. 

Artistic Benefits – One of the greatest benefits of dance is that it sparks a child’s 
imagination and nurtures individual creativity in a unique way.  Dance classes share the 
joy of physical self-expression in a supportive and structured setting.  This can have a 
positive impact on children who have limited physical abilities, who act out or who have a 
difficult time sitting still.  Involving children in dance also teaches the basic elements of 
creative movement, such as time, space, rhythm and design. 

While people may not be as familiar with modern dance as with ballet or jazz, modern  
 dance in particular honors the creative spirit and celebrates the individual.  Modern dance 
does not simply conform to conventional movements, shapes and patterns.  Instead, it 
requires the young dancer to learn movement from the inside out, nurturing the body and 
focusing the mind.  This form of dance especially is welcoming to children of all shapes, 
sizes and genders. 
There is one final reason to get your child dancing.  Research proves there is a strong link 
between involvement in the arts and increased educational achievement.  In fact, one 
study showed that “students who participate in the arts are not only more likely to 
participate in a math and science fair, but also out-perform their peers on the SATs by 87 
points” (  These educational benefits are gained by students regardless 
of their socioeconomic status.   

There’s sure to be a dance class that fits your child’s interests and your schedule, so why 
wait?  Enroll your child in a dance class.  The lessons she or he learns will last a lifetime. 

Debra Strickland is the executive director of Wellspring/Cori Terry & Dancers, southwest 
Michigan’s only professional modern dance company.  Debra holds a Master of Public 
Administration degree from Western Michigan University and has been passionate about 
working in the arts and women’s issues for nearly a decade. 

Monday, March 2, 2009

Encouraging Words for Monday......

We all hear of the constant budget cuts and layoffs these days.  It is important to not get bogged down with all the negative---successful individuals choose to see the positive in the negative.  For our industry we see that dance and theatre classes are being cut out in public school systems because there are not the funds to hire the staff to teach these classes.  That is a shame for our young children.  BUT, it opens an avenue for independent business owners to offer their services to these schools and organizations.  We can independently contract with school systems to offer these much-needed classes at a much lower fee than the added staff member would generate.  School become excited that they can still offer these classes to their students and individual businesses grow due to the demand and increased business.  (Quite often causing businesses such as ours to have to hire additional staff to cover the classes that we are having to add to our schedule.)  Choose to see the opportunity that always exists in bad times or bad news.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Schools Desiring Dance & Theatre Programs...

Many schools - public and private - lack the funding the have a dance or theatre program.  They are very welcoming to well-known programs offering to contract their services out to them.  This saves the schools money (much cheaper than hiring staff and buying curriculum and materials); and it is a wonderful opportunity for programs of reputation to increase their student base and programs.  Little People's Creative Workshop is well-known for contracting with schools to teach their dance and acting programs.  A great expansion opportunity---especially now, as school budgets and staff positions are being cut.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Best Time to Start A New Business.....

USA Today ran a great article today about the worst of times is the BEST time to start a business. During economic hardship everyone seems to sit around and do nothing---which means NO COMPETITION!  USA Today interviewed several top business owners that started their businesses in hard economic times---and it actually helped them rise to the top and STAY there once the economy turned around.  It's a great article---check it out:

Monday, February 23, 2009

Children's Service Industry Continues to Grow Even in Hard Times

Franchise Gator --- a leading franchise authority and web portal --- states that children's services, especially in the arts category, continue to grow and be the most requested and popular of business buyers.  The children's dance and service industry consistently seem to slip away from the woes felt by many other businesses in hard times.  Starting a children's dance franchise, such as Little People's Creative Workshop, is a super low cost start-up and a proven business system.  Many individuals that desire to own their own business are wise enough to seek out and invest in such franchises when looking to own their own business.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Seeing A Child's Creative Mind

As a dancer and performer since the age of three, I cannot think of a better way for young children to explore movement, enhance creativity and build self-confidence than through dance classes. I have taught many age groups and with many companies, but Little People’s Creative Workshop provides a completely rewarding experience. 
Dance and LPCW, is more than just another form of exercise for the children, it provides an exploration into the arts that all children should be exposed to.  Through LPCW, children are able to learn how to use their bodies as a form of expression and a possible outlet for creative thinking. Learning this at an early age can provide life long benefits for our students; such as better problem solving skills, more self confidence and of-course better coordination.
Personally, there are few things more rewarding than being able to see a child’s creative mind grow and see them move and explore on their own.  I enjoy seeing children approach the lessons in a completely different way than I expected them to and everyday is a surprise! I have grown as a dancer with LPCW because it caused me to look at movement from a child like perspective; giving me a new approach to dance.
I look forward to continue to share my love for dance with young children through Little People’s Creative Workshop.
~Jennifer Delfin, LPCW Northern Virginia Regional Director & Instructor

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Invest in Yourself.......

With many stock investments pretty shaky these days--invest in something that will always bring a great return:  yourself!  If you have always wanted to start your own business and be your own boss--now is the perfect time.  Do some research and invest in a grand future for you and your present or future family.  What are you waiting for?  The market is ripe for more programs for young children in dance and theatre.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Requests Constantly Coming in for Children's Dance Programs

There are so many hungry regions and areas of the US that greatly desire a strong, excellent young children's dance and theatre program.  Parents see the benefits and desire to have the opportunity for their children.  Here in the US there are many untapped territories and regions that are ready to consume such a program and flood it with students.  We are continually receiving calls and e-mails from parents and organizations desiring a good program to be offered in their communities.  It's a wonderful time for this industry to grow and take advantage of the need.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Physical Therapists Recommend Dance for Young Children

We have been in the business of teaching dance to ages 2-5 for over 18 years.  We are constantly getting students referred to our program from area physical therapists.  We receive countless notes from these professionals stating the great progress and difference that they  see in their young clients once they begin participating in our program.  We have seen 4 year-olds told that they would never be able to jump---but after a few months their feet are leaving the floor!  It is a privilege to be a part of something that is so rewarding; and so extremely beneficial to all who take part.  Dance is a wonderful and healthy activity for all who participate.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Teachers Need to Also Be Students

As dance teachers of little ones it can become easy to lose focus of the need to also be a student.  We need to be a student of life---and definitely remain a dance student ourselves.  It is important to nourish our own souls and dance passion with classes and performances that keep our enthusiasm and art polished, and enabling us to pass on new inspiration to our young students.

A soul left unnourished will soon wither.  If you are an instructor of young ones be sure to invest in yourself so you can keep investing in your students.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's a Great Time to Think About Starting a Business....

Contrary to what it may seem---while a recession is going on it is a great time to work toward opening a new business.  When the recession passes you will be in working order and ready to enjoy the windfall that always follows such times.  There are many individuals that think they should not start a business until a recession is over; but then when the great windfall happens they are just beginning to get things together and do not get to enjoy it!  Be shrewd and wise by starting  a new business now---and you will already be open and working when the big times come around!  "Don't be so preoccupied with losing your frisbee that you never throw it!" (Or are caught unaware when someone is ready to catch!)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Dance Business in a Recession...

No one can deny the state of our present economy here in the US.  BUT dance is dance---no matter what the economy.  It is a personal expression and creative outlet for all who choose to participate.  We do not have any exports or imports.  We do not have to worry about inventory or suppliers going under.  The economy does not effect the dance industry as it does other industries.

Dance classes for young children are a relatively low cost activity in which families can invest.   A huge part of this business is looking upon the past and being able to see that dance has come through many other hard economies---always at the top.  Families will always put services for their children--especially the arts--as a priority in their budget.  

Reminding ourselves of these facts amid all the negative media these days is very encouraging---because for the most part it does not pertain to what we do.  Quite often bad economies have made the arts grow stronger in the public eye.  These are the things that we must remind ourselves.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Trends and Facts About Owning A Children's Dance Business

The market for providing children's services and products is huge.  The Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics estimates that there are more than 73 million children under the age of 18 in the US.  Birth rates are up, and it is expected that children will number over 80 million by 2020---and make up 24% of the population.

Spending on children is also rising--with both parents and grandparents driving this trend.  This is great news for those that want to own their own business that caters to children!  Children exert a profound influence on household spending, with an estimated $500 billion spent on services for children.  American Demographics magazine reports that 4-12 year olds account for $40 billion in spending every year.

One of the most successful and popular with parents children's service is dance and theatre classes--preferably ones that come to their children instead of stationary facilities that parents must find the time to drop off and pick up their children.

There are many opportunities for individuals from varied backgrounds to be able to run their own business teaching children's dance.  In our industry we have former school teachers, athletes, event planners, IT professionals, marketers, corporate executives, etc.   Individuals that have experience as dancers/teachers and working in some capacity with children in their past; but had no idea that they could own a business doing something that they love.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Obvious Benefits of Dance

We wanted to share this great article written by Sarah Wilkiamson:

"The Obvious Benefits of Dance School"

Here is an excerpt-----

"There are many benefits to your child when they attend dance school.  It not only enables them to realize creativity within them but gives them training for other areas in life.  Dance is a wonderful creative art that can enrich your child's life for many years to come."

Ms. Wilkiamson goes on to list several benefits such as:

Learning the art of creativity
Dance is a good exercise
Dance leads to learning respect
Dance helps develop social skills
Dance helps with bonding

Be sure to click the link above to read the entire article.  All of us in the childrens dance industry see the many benefits before our eyes each day---it is a pleasure to invest in young lives with what we do!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Benefits of Children's Dance Classes.......

Children--boys and girls--who dance when they are young enjoy increased self-esteem, coordination, balance, poise, and many more wonderful benefits!  Whether a child continues to dance or becomes a professional dancer is not the goal---the many benefits of participating in dance are causing parents to seek dance programs of excellence in which to invest.  Read this great article that we found on the benefits children that dance enjoy:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Giving Back to the Community

Since we know the great benefits of dance and theatre for young children it is important that we use our gifts and talents to give back to our communities in which we teach.  Our company is always on the lookout for organizations that work with young children that are at-risk or in no way able to register and pay for dance classes.  We do not want anyone to be left out---the arts are for everyone.  We teach complimentary classes at shelters, boys and girls clubs, low income daycares, homeless shelters, and many other venues where little ones happen to be.  Women's shelters are a wonderful place to bring dance---the moms enjoy it as much as their children; they usually join in on the fun!  Our communities do so much for us---this is a great way to give back and bless many families at the same time.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Joy of Teaching Dance to Young Children........

"My love for dance started at a very early age.  I was excited every Saturday morning to get up, put on my leotard and get to dance class!  What made it such a wonderful experience for me were my amazing dance teachers.  As I grew older I used them as my role models and saw not only how much passion they had for dance, but for teaching as well.

I always thought I would end up teaching high school or older students in a studio, but once I started working with Little People's Creative Workshop I knew those thoughts were gone!  Ask anyone you know how they get greeted when they come to work.  I bet they don't say by twenty smiling and excited faces screaming your name--and these aren't even the children you teach!

Teaching "little people" brings out the best in a teacher, not only because they make you smile and greet you with hugs so powerful they almost knock you over; but because they are so eager to learn.  LPCW has an amazing curriculum that allows children to explore dance through themselves but yet in a very structured and fun atmosphere!

LPCW is so great for children because it allows them to go off into imaginary secret places while learning how to move their bodies properly throughout space.  At this young age children absorb everything and what makes LPCW so great is that we are able to offer the classes while the children are in school; so they are able to relate things that they are learning to dance and to the arts which most children do not have the opportunity to do!"
                           ~Liz Story, LPCW Regional Director and Instructor

Friday, January 30, 2009

Dance...No Greener Venture!

We all need to strive to work on our carbon footprint and take care of our environment.  Let's face it---teaching dance to young children is as green as it gets.  It is people investing in young people.  There are no 'unrecyclable' products we sell, or tons of paperwork and inventory.  The inventory?  Ourselves.   The product?  Our art, passion and love for little ones.  We do not even have to take up real estate!  Parents of young ones are becoming too time-starved to get their child to one more activity---they need teachers that come to where their child already spends their day.  (Filling this need eliminates the need of owning a place of business---you work from home and are mobile!)  Sharing a love and passion that you have with young children is the best recycling that anyone can do---don't you think?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Invest in a Proven Program of Excellence

Time-starved parents are causing businesses that cater to children's services to boom.

Anyone considering starting up their own dance business should weigh all the great benefits of investing in a proven program of excellence that has been around for a long time.  Start-up businesses from scratch have a 90% fail rate!  

The pros of investing in a franchised business are vast.  1.  You are purchasing a proven system of doing business.  The franchisor has already checked it out in the marketplace and found that it works.  2.  It will be turnkey.  3.  National recognition by consumers.  There is already a presence in the marketplace---the path has been blazed.  4.   You have the support of management that will point you in all the right directions.  5.  There are training programs and other forms of follow-up support to assist you in all phases of running the franchise operation.

The children's dance industry is booming right now and the demand is great.  There are so many areas in the nation that have yet to be tapped---waiting for the right service to come their way.   Contact Little People's Creative Workshop for more information about the benefits of the children's dance industry and to find out more about their franchise.  LPCW has been around for 18 years---teaching dance to young children is their specialty. and

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Forward Thinking......

So many people let the past hold them back--they need to move forward in order to find success.  What is your current career situation?  Is it in the unstable world of corporate America--where you never know if you will have a job when you wake up?  Is it in the school systems---where positions in dance, theatre, and music are being cut right and left (or non-existent in the first place)?  Don't get stuck in a rut feeling that you have no choices.

Do a life assessment, decide to be a conqueror, don't be a complainer, learn new habits, choose to help others, consider moving in a new direction.  These short ideas are the beginning of a possible new life and career change for anyone that is ready to move on into a great opportunity!  If your heart love children and you would like the control and freedom that comes from owning your own business---move toward making that happen.  The most successful individuals are those that do what they love and love what they do.  Today's the day!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Flexible Working Options for Moms......

Many women these days come to a point in their lives that they must make a choice.  It doesn't involve heels vs. flats or whether to make a dinner at home or order takeout.  It is the much more important choice of whether to go to work or raise a family.

Many women would rather not have to make that choice---family should always be priority; but with the economic situation as it is, many moms must work in order to help with the family's budget needs.  

Our industry is such a blessing in this situation.  By teaching dance classes to young children moms are able to work a few hours a day and make a wonderful living---while working mostly from their home, and being home in the afternoons, evenings, and weekends.   Our dance teachers and administrators get to have both----a stay-at-home mom status as well as a paycheck and the flexibility of creating their own schedule around the needs of family.  

So, for those of us choosing this option---we can say good-bye to long work hours and corporate demands---as well as the uncertainty of job security that is so prevalent in the corporate world today.  We can fully embrace the joy of being there for our children and spouses while owning our business---one in which we love and have a passion.

Monday, January 26, 2009

A Great Note from a Parent.....

"My son attends the Wed. afternoon dance class.  The purpose of this E-mail is to probably tell you what you already know:  your program has terrific teachers!

I happened to pass the classroom a time or two last semester (prior to my son's enrollment) and it looked like everyone was having fun and the instructor was full of life.  I asked a parent of one of the students what they thought of the class and they said they loved it.  So I signed my son up for the semester.  I could not be happier with the class and your teacher's overall approach.  She not only teaches them how to be creative with their dance moves, but also allows them the freedom to make the setting as comfortable as possible for them.  My son is very apprehensive about new situations and new faces.  At the beginning he took more of an observer status.  Your instructor did not force him to participate in anything that he did not feel comfortable with; but by the same token she didn't forget that he was "participating" in his own way and would always be sure to call on him for his "turn" whether or not he actually waited in line.  Each week he participates more and more in class in the traditional sense.  He really loves dancing now and the interaction with the stories.  And of course the instructor's bubbly personality and the exuberance helps keep everyone interested and dancing.  I feel very fortunate that my son has been able to have such a positive experience with dance class and just wanted to let you know how much we love our teacher."

Dance is so very powerful for young ones---especially when instructed with the right heart!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Giving Back to the Community....

As dance instructors and artists it is very important to give back to our community.  We offer a service and completely rely on how community parents and students will respond to our classes for our livelihood.  It's imperative to give back to our areas in which we do business.  Teach complimentary classes at a shelter or any other facility in which young children will be.  Women's shelters are wonderful ---  it is such a blessing to these children that find themselves in the middle of so much uncertainly to have a creative outlet to express themselves, have fun, and EMOTE!  When we go into schools we always approach the directors to see if there is a child that could benefit from our dance program; but whose parents are in no way able to pay for such a service.  We discreetly give these children scholarships.  Dance is for everyone---we do our best to make sure no one is left out that wishes to have this great experience.  So often we hear of children's programs that think only of the bottom line and what is in it for them.  There is no success in that.  

Some of Our Fabulous Students!

Aren't they awesome!!???